Thursday, August 2, 2007

Wow. Just spent a bunch of time messing around in Ebay, spending money that I promised My Better Half I would not, since I have a Model 1911 project ongoing with the gunsmith ($$$).

The good news: I was outbid for a Remington 870 barrel. Hooray! There's plenty more where that came from, to be found on the Internet.

But wait: maybe you didn't hear that Ebay's "Trust and Safety Team" (ain't that the Misnomer of the Year?) has decided to no longer sell firearm parts and accessories.

Why? Because of their hoplophobia. Hoplophobia has been defined by the late gun writer Jeff Cooper as "[from the Greek hoplon, or weapon] ... a mental disturbance characterized by irrational aversion to weapons, as opposed to justified apprehension about those who may wield them, " in his book, To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth).So, I suggest that you throw your money instead at, or, or, or other online vendors.Anyway, if you'd like to see what I am selling on Ebay, check out my Ebay To Go "widget":

I also enjoy selling merchandise at Please peruse my auctions there too (helpful hint on how to find my auctions to follow).

Take care. Don't spend too much time on the Internet. It's no substitute for real life!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Any blogger out there who has a spouse worried about the "waste of time" re: blogging? Ah well, that's me, alas. I'm going to keep my entries short and sweet, and do blog entries as I can. I'm about to go to three weeks of training, so I might not blog as much. Keep coming back, and feel free to comment...

Monday, November 20, 2006

Why name my blog "La Renarde 45"?

  • "La Renarde" (the she-fox) was the name of my rich French grandparents' summer house in the French countryside -- what some might call an "estate". The namesake of the house was immortalized in a spirited bronze replica of a fox's head mounted on the wall somewhere in the house or on the grounds.
  • The "45" suffix comes from the all-American side of me: the .45 ACP round was invented in the early part of the 20th century, for use in [semi-]automatic pistols. I put the word semi in brackets because "automatic pistol", while a misnomer, was the nomenclature in use in 1903 or 1908 or 1911, whenever you care to pick up the thread of the story of 20th century firearms development. More, probably way too much, information will be available on this blog later. I own at least one ".45": a stainless steel Colt Model 80, a/k/a "Model 1911"-type pistol; photo to come. Nuff said.